Meet the creative

Hey there, welcome!

I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m Mer – an aspiring graphic designer based in Philippines. I have always loved arts and eager to explore and learn new skills. My career shift helped me further hone my creative skills, which I have applied in creating digital designs.

I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs and business owners to skyrocket their businesses by having a strong inclination toward creating social media content and layout designs, process automation, and social media management.

I started my virtual assistant career and fell in love with creating digital art in the middle of the pandemic. I have learned so much along my journey, which I want to share with you, which will bring success to your business.

You want more

Social Media Management

  • Establish and run your social media profiles
  • Schedule your content calendar
  • Update and delete existing content
  • Monitor and reply to comments and inquiries
  • Discover influencers to collaborate with

Digital Graphic Designing

  • Knowledgeable in creating designs via Canva
  • Video editing via Filmora
  • Creating a promotional video or short clip to be posted on Facebook or Instagram
  • Creating business logos that are easy to recognize

General Virtual Assistance

  • Email management
  • Calendar management
  • Resourcefulness and organized can help your business to boost product quality and accomplish business goals
  • Adeptness with online tools and software.
  • Proficiency in computer programs such as MS Office and Google Suite for lead generation.

Virtual  Training for Amazon Virtual Assistant

Surge Marketplace

June 21, 2022

Executive Virtual Assistant 2.0

Work From Home Tip Academy

February 10-12, 2022

English Proficiency BPO Training

Kurihara Business Solution

January 25-31, 2022

“Best Extemporaneous Speaker”

5 Days Live Virtual Assistant Training

VA Training PH

October 4-8, 2021

“The Helping Hand”

8th HR Awards: A Night of Eternal Elegance

Junior People Management Association

of the Philippines

March 17, 2018

Lil Fun Things About Me

Coffee or Tea?

I really can’t pick.

Legazpi City, Philippines

“The City of Fun & Adventure”


Anything with red sauce.

 Ⓒ All Rights Reserved 2022   Meredith Creates  Virtualasting