
What to expect from me?


You can trust me to act appropriately, to work diligently, or to complete the tasks you have assigned to me.

Strong Work Ethic

A strong work ethic is about setting values of discipline and hard work. It is all about the determination to achieve success by consistently staying focus and motivated and completing your tasks on time.o.


I am a person who can complete assigned tasks, find solutions, and take the initiative to deliver high-quality work and resolve any problems that may arise.

Capable of Multitasking

I am able to focus on multiple tasks at the same time and understand how to set and meet deadlines. I keep track of what I need to do and when I need to do it. There may be several projects going on at the same time, but I know how to prioritize my work.


Honesty and integrity are my traits, I assure you. I stand up for what I believe is right and live by my highest values. Because I know that having these skills will help me to become a trustworthy individual even if no one is watching. 

Here's what I can offer

Apps and tools that I'm familiar with.

About Me

Hello there! I’m Jamaica Bolo, 38. A Virtual Assistant who works with enthusiasm and dedication. I can think on my feet, solve problems, and take the initiative to create high-quality work that saves your time and money. Furthermore, with the help of Virtualsting, I’ve learned new skills that will allow me to help support my future clients and provide them with the quality of work they deserve. My mission is to help client/entrepreneur build, create and maintain their success.

Fashion is my Passion

Fashion is something I enjoy, and I make some extra money by selling ready-to-wear clothing and accessories online.

I am a family woman, and I do value family time, because I believe if you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them and half as much money.

I am a nature lover and enjoy traveling. Once in a while, I treat myself to some me-time, a little time to focus on myself, and for me to take a little time away in exchange for a happy and fulfilled Mama.

Contact Us: +(63) 947 487 9745
